“My Wallet” The Wealth Magnet, How to attract wealth with wallet?
There are many ways to look at money or wealth in your life. One way to look at Money is wallet. Everyone carries wallet everywhere they go. wallet plays a major role in keeping relationship with money. there are few things you can do to attract more money.
- Keep your wallet organized. If there are any receipts or bills in your wallet. Clean it time to time.
- If you are carrying a wallet which is cluttered or old, Buy yourself a new wallet.
- never keep your wallet empty, Keep money in your wallet,. When we talk about power in your wallet, With the empty wallet you will not feel financial abundance.
- Make your wallet more colorful with credit, debit cards and gift cards.
- If possible, make some cash transactions once a month while purchasing or doing any financial activities. It will create relationship with money 💰.
Keep your wallet with proud and let your money in and money out from your wallet.
If your money flows really stuck, start doing the followings.
- Keep 5000₹ in you wallet at all times (if you are living in other countries, keep equivalent amount).
- Feel pleased that it is there and remind yourself that it is there.
- Now, while driving or walking notice things you can purchase with that as your wallet is full.
- If you want to make a list of what you want do that. you will start feeling financial abundance.
- after doing this for few days, you will notice that people will start giving opportunity to earn those money that you have written.
Keep your wallet in the cupboard in a safe place. if your life partner is not earning, let them keep a wallet with some money in it. your feeling of abundance is something that you want to allow into your life.