Friday, March 7, 2025

Habit of Reading News with Tea or Coffee

Many people enjoy morning newspaper with tea or coffee, and that too physical newspaper, not digital one. Technology keeps promoting digital methods of doing pretty much everything. Well, Musing Gazette is an online newspaper and you are reading it now, which is definitely awesome! However, always checking for updates may also lead to information overflow that may affect our mental health. This topic has both sides and it is up to the ‘content consumer’ to decide which one works best for them considering all the possible pros and cons. Habit of reading news with tea or coffee in the morning is actually a good habit and you should continue.

It is important to stay up to date with latest news and one way or the other we must stay informed. The worst of all is through social media because authenticity of information is reducing greatly each day. Fake images, fake news, fake videos and content creation just for views are few of many reasons to avoid it. Choose authentic news media websites to check daily. Setting a time like morning is a good way to check news and start your day. Based on your personality (or mental capability), you can choose to spare few minutes a day for news and disable all news notifications on the mobile phone.

If you are someone who cannot wait until tomorrow to know what happened today, use online news sources to get minutes updates. However, choosing this method requires you to be able to consume information and switch your mind instantly to do whatever you were doing otherwise this may lead to several unproductive minutes and reducing mental health. News channels do not care about your mental health, they want you to see it and stay on their web pages for as long as possible, because that’s money for them but as individuals you need to ask yourself, is it really that important? Is it going to affect your life directly or indirectly? If not to a great extent, then focus on what’s necessary and read news for, well, reading news.

Print media usually verify better than digital media, in most cases, so choosing to read newspaper in the morning is the best way but if you prefer digital news, still keep set time to check all the updates. Information is thrown at us too frequently and in a great quantity, but quality is reducing even on the most popular sources. Everyone wants to spice it up and get more people to consume their content, but we need to choose wisely how much time we spend on it and what kind of routine works best.

I hope this helped you think about how you read news and what kind of change you need to apply. Warren Buffett once said that he has subscribed to all the physical newspapers and he starts his day by reading them all, with a cup of coffee. And you know what he is able to achieve with that habit.

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