Air India has launched a new logo and it has received mixed reactions from people on Twitter. You can have a look at the tweet from Air India official handle. I was just browsing Twitter and I didn’t know followed Air India but there it was an amazing launch tweet. I found it more premium and richer than the original Maharaja logo. Just as everything in India needs a better marketing to show how rich our country still is, some of these brands that represent our nation should think of a move like this. I usually despise rebranding like an old man because I too think Amitabh was a better Don than SRK or Ranveer Singh, but I liked this one and the X from twitter the most. I will surely feel like I am flying a rich airline next time I fly Air India.
Just look at the Air India Official Video of the introduction of the new look.
You must have experienced Emirates or Lufthansa and you probably prefer anything but Air India, but I hope this will change your perspective. We would like the world to see India like they see some of those developed countries and with all the recent changes and the way we are growing, the day is near when we will be on top five in pretty much everything. Remember when modiji gave second meaning to AI, America and India, and got standing ovation? Well, today we can say AI is also Air India, how does that sound?
I know many of you might feel uncomfortable with change, but India needs it now more than ever, the people who can accept change and spirit of growing with nation. We must stop mocking ourselves comparing us as anything less than any of the other nation. Let’s decide that this Independence Day that we will always market ourselves as the best and rich because what we become what we think about. Happy Independence Day!