Thursday, January 9, 2025

How can universe help us fulfill our desires?

We are all made of universal energy. we will not get in details of how this universe form and how the earth evolve. We are here to discuss how we can use universal energy to manifest our dreams.

We see so many people fulfill their dreams so fast and we call them successful people. they all use universal forces knowingly or unknowingly.

Lets talk about processes of how we can connect to the universe.

We are all are connected to the universe but we are restricting the connection by false beliefs. universe do listen to our desires, but we don’t express in words or feelings. there are many techniques that lets us connect with the universe.

  1. meditation : meditation lets us connect to our very soul that will create a clear path of communication. however there are many  people who don’t need meditation. they are powerful and ready to receive. for example ” kids ” because they are pure in their thinking. there are many adults who also have that quality.
  2. Writing : writing your desires will let you feel more focused to your desires. because you need to be clear of what you want otherwise the universe gets confused.
  3.  Vision board : keeping a vision board in your room or office will keep you in touch with what you want. Vision board is a highlight of what you want, represented by images that reflects your desires. you can clip out pictures and tag it onto a hard board that you can hang on the wall. I will write a separate blog on how to make a Vision board.
  4.  talk about you desires to the one who is close to you. it may be your family members or friends. many times your friends knows more about who you are and what you want.
  5. Sleep well : If you sleep well for enough hours, when you wake up in the morning you are fresh and you can connect with the universe so quickly and you can focus right into what you want.
  6. Gratitude : Feeling grateful of what you have will lets you connect with the universe. it can also help you get into the mindset of growth and expansion.

Universe is ready to give you anything you want. you need to be clear of what you want and clearly express it by feelings or words. You never know what your thought can do and what can appear onto your door step.

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